Set in thirteen acres of secluded gardens amongst woodland and rolling hills, this beautiful 17th century hamlet has its own special and unique atmosphere - a wonderfully quiet and peaceful place in which to live, and to enjoy with all the comforts of modern life in a totally relaxed setting.
Carefully renovated over the years to very high standards, the hamlet retains all its orginal character and charm. Each cottage is extremely comfortable and spacious, and fully equipped.
The aerial shot in this slide deck was taken in April 2020. It serves to give an idea of the layout and setting of the hamlet.
Stunning views all around
2.8 km to the River Blavet
5 km to the centre of Quistinic
The peace intersperced with songbirds during the day, and owls at dusk

Barry & Lucile Skinner bought the hamlet in 2010. Barry is English, and Lucile is French.
Barry: "It seemed a big step to take at the time. Since we married in 1980, I always said that I would never live in France. But 'never say never' - as the saying goes. I was owner and MD of a small business at the time we moved, so my first project was to convert the top of one of the barns to a Home-Office (an office with a view over the fields!) where I carried on working full time, commuting back to the UK for half a week each month. My mantra now is 'In France I will only live in Quistinic' - I love it here!"
Lucile: "Having brought up our family in England, I really wanted to be able to care for my mother in France in her old age. I was worried that with her developing Alzheimer's condition her memories of her time of suffering in Auchwitz would resurface. Barry was amazingly accommodating and understanding, and we agreed we needed to live somewhere that our chidren would enjoy visiting. We certainly achieved that! In the end the move was perhaps hardest for our youngest daughter who was 15 when we moved across, and although she is now happy to be back in the UK, she looks back with no regrets at all, and is proud of her French Bacalaureat which earned her a place at the University of Birmingham."
Gohic is a very special place. We like to think we have been good custodians, looking after the heritage. Now we have other projects that excite us, and are ready to pass on the adventure. We will be keeping a home in Quistinic though!